Welcome to the 'Bodenfeuchteampel'- The soil moisture traffic light

The soil moisture traffic light (BFA) is the information system for forest climate and soil moisture. With the help of soil hydrological modelling, you can obtain timely and comprehensive information on the water content of forest soils for representative forest sites in Central Germany. You also have access to data from the Saxon soil moisture monitoring sites and forest climate stations.

This platform is a new part of the Regional Climate Information System - ReKIS.

A brief explanation

Forest climate and soil moisture data are an important source of information for answering questions on forest ecology. They complement the measuring network of the German Weather Service and are used to assess the climatic development and the current hydrological condition of forest ecosystems. The Competence Centre for wood and forestry at the Public Enterprise Sachsenforst ensures the smooth operation of the monitoring plots and data management. The BFA information system was developed by the Institute of Meteorology at the Technical University of Dresden in Tharandt in close cooperation with Sachsenforst.

Effect of plant available water (PAW) on soil and plants:

PAW = 0,0 - 0,2 :    Very dry condition

● Critical depletion of soil water supply

● Irreversible damage (embolisms, root damage, dying phenomena) for certain tree species over a longer period of time.

● Predisposition to pests

● Relatively low susceptibility to compaction of sensible soils

PAW = 0,2 - 0,4 :    Dry condition

● Tree species specific adaptations to prolonged drought

● Reduction of transpiration (stomatal closure, leaf curling, leaf shedding, ...)

● Reduced growth

● Increased water use efficiency

● Reduced susceptibility of soils to compaction, e.g. by vehicle traffic

● Unfavourable for root development (planting)

PAW = 0,4 - 1,0 :    Normal condition

● Ideal soil moisture conditions for water and nutrient uptake, (root) growth, plant growth

● Cohesive soils without a skeleton are susceptible to compaction by traffic.

PAW > 1,0 :    Very wet condition

● Cohesive soils on slopes with surface runoff/susceptible to erosion

● Lack of oxygen in the root zone for prolonged periods, possible decay

● Increased susceptibility to windthrow

● Cohesive soils cannot be traversed without damage

* No modelling results shown :    Hydromorphic soils (groundwater soils, waterlogged soils and bogs) - see FAQ for more information.

What is the soil moisture traffic light used for?

The BFA provides daily updated and site specific soil moisture information for a variety of forest ecological assessments and decisions:

  • Water availability and drought assessment
  • Use of technology on sensitive sites
  • Silvicultural planning & risk assessment
  • Susceptibility to forest pests, etc.

We are interested in improving this platform, so you have the opportunity to provide feedback. We look forward to receiving your feedback!